Sunday, July 19, 2009


lima tahun setengah aku akan ade kat situ..
asrama dgn dewan kuliah jauh sih.. turun tangga asrama dah basah seluar dalam(peluh,jgn slh phm)..
tapi situ cantik oo.. dlm hutan la katakn.. KL(kuala lipis)
seuasana berkabus sampai pukul sembilan hari tu skali.. nyaman giler.. tapi..... makanan mahal bro... weekend pulak kafe tutup mlm.. lapor la aku jwbnye.. pastu kurus... kecian aku..

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hidup di dunia...

ai.. memang susah hidup ni.. nak mkn pun susah sbb ade mata ikan.. cepat le baik.. demam pulak dah makin kurang.. takut jgk H1N1 tu.. serung aku dengor.. kang dok sajenye kena ke aku dok ke mapuh kerah cokeng..

macam2 penyakit ade skrg.. siang ke kite homo sapiens(betol x eja tuh)
pulok tu dok,kite dok siang ke ke bumi kite ni.. sket2 tercemor.. siang diye.. katgi anok cucu mung gok nok dok sining.. mung dok pikir ke? buat le benda2 baguh macang kitor semuler ke..
jangan kuat ngak bakor luar rumoh..
superk plastik mu jgn tanam.. tin ke ape ke.. kang buleh kitor semula..
cintailah alam sekitar boss.. jgn ambik remeh..

aku bukan nok wak bijok boss.. tapi benda betul.. kalu esok kiamat x pe la mu nok wak gitu pun kalu mu x takut balasan.. mu ingat dok dose ke cemarkang bumi ne?(sape makan cili ye rase pedah(aku rase gok skit tapi nok wak gane..))

aku cakak ngarut skali sbb x tau nok tulis nape je.. anggap la sbagai nasihat.. kk adios.. =p

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Love is kinda weird right?

Why do girls that I in love with them does not have same felling like me???
Why do girls that I not love,love me?
Not just in KMM but it always happen in my life..

YIN... I LOVE U!!!

Bye-Bye KMM

Life must go on... i'm really excited and sad becoz my friends in matriculation were so nice to me(best friends i ever had(for now.. well,who knows what will happen in future,right? can you see what da future holds?),i never being threated that nice before).. but still,i must achieve my dream,to be a SENSEI... i also can be a sensei through matriculation but i'm a coward... sry to say.. i know i can excel in matrix,but...... as i said before i am a coward.. BUT I NOT A QUITTER!! I just choosing another way to achieve my dream... =3


I'm missing u guys at kmm..